Canary finch for sale
Canary finch for sale

canary finch for sale

If the birds are to be kept outside, do you have a way of heating the aviary? Pet finches are not very robust in cold weather.We are always looking at expanding our gene pool by introducing new birds. We currently have over 40 breeding pairs. Birds from last years breeding.Painted 70 prMale Canaries 50 ea. Canary Males, Painted Finches - Kuluin, Sunshine Coast. We have found our love for the Red Mosaic Canary mutation. Explore 306 listings for Finches for sale at best prices. 1 x Cinnamon female quail 19.95 2 charcoal zebra finch female (stunning) 14.95ea 1 white zebra finch male 24.

canary finch for sale

Is there a suitable location for the cage, away from direct sunlight, draughts and steamy kitchens, and out of reach of pets and well-meaning but clumsy children? We have been breeding canaries for over 12 years.Do not mix with Masked or Long tailed finches due to the possibility of hybridization. One of the best Australian finches to breed and may breed year round.

canary finch for sale

  • Have you kept pet birds before and if not, do you know what you’re doing? Even if you have read up on the subject, it’s still a good idea to speak to experts and other owners, either face to face or in online forums Temperament: The Black-throated finch is usually non-aggressive, good beginners bird, however some birds may be aggressive to smaller finches.
  • Generally speaking, it is a pleasant companion bird with a.
  • Who will look after the finches and clean their cage? This tiny finch has the ability to convert the majority of people into lifelong canary enthusiasts. Red Factor Canary 129.99 Zebra Finch 39.99 Yellow Canary 119.99 Green Parakeet 39.
  • Unless you are buying a Canary, which will happily live alone, you will need to get more than one bird, as they can only thrive in pairs or flocks.
  • If these are the first birds you’ve bought, you need to provide practical and positive answers to the following questions:

    Canary finch for sale